Student Support is one of ACRE's guiding principles. The Collegiate Career Assistance Program (CCAP) represents the Center's platform for serving the next generation of real estate talent and the firms that provide experience and employment opportunities while benefiting in the process. Established in 2023, the creation of the CCAP Premier Partner program became necessary due to the explosive growth of the Culverhouse Real Estate Program (CREP) and the greater student interest in careers in real estate across our state and nation. CREP alone has grown 540%, from 125 students in 2017 to 800+ in 2024 with an average of 200+ real estate students graduating per calendar year. New career placement mechanisms undergirded by companies agreeing to support are now mission-critical to administer & provide resources to handle this exciting level of real estate talent - and with that, the CCAP Premiere Partners program is launched.
CCAP Premier Partner Benefits
All-inclusive concierge workforce development services to include...
Exclusive Company Career Page
Navigation buttons for: About | Job Board | Internships | Career Development | Can Tailor to Company Needs
Exhibit Table at Spring Semester (March) & Fall Semester (September) Real Estate Only Career Fairs
Quarterly Access to RE Students via Zoom hosted/promoted by ACRE CCAP
Annual In-Person Company/Career Opportunities Presentation hosted/promoted by ACRE CCAP
Talent Excel/Google Sheet Database (representing Opt-In Students)
How to Join/Request Additional Information
Contact Grayson Glaze for more information or to join.